In my post
of June 2, 2014, I questioned the significance of data that were
hailed as evidence of the superiority of Gazyva, a new anti-CD20 antibody for
the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) as compared with Rituxan,
the original anti-CD20 antibody used to treat CLL. In that post, I focused on the difficulty of
meaningful conclusions about the comparative efficacy of two drugs, even when
those drugs are studied head-to-head, when the two drugs were administered at
very different doses. Here is news on
the development of another anti-CD20 antibody for the same indication, with
the likely result being even more debate about the comparative effectiveness of
these agents and the continuing absence of studies that would definitively
answer the question.
See the Onclive story on the FDA and TG Therapeutics see
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